Опишите один из классов в вашей школе. Используйте план ниже. Напишите 4-5 предложений. 1. Как это выглядит:
- его размер;
- мебель;
- оборудование.
2. Какие уроки или мероприятия в нем проходят.
3. Что особенного есть в этой комнате. 4. Сколько человек может вместить комната.
5. Какие чувства и эмоции вы испытываете в этом месте.​


Ответ дал: yuriucorchemny


It is a medium-sized room, with rows of desks and chairs facing the front of the room.

The furniture is fairly basic and functional, with a whiteboard and a projector at the front of the room.

There is also a computer and a speaker system set up in the room.

In this classroom, we have a variety of lessons and activities, including lectures, group discussions, and hands-on projects.

One unique aspect of this room is that it has a lot of windows, which allows for natural light to come in and brighten up the space.

The room can comfortably fit about 30 people.

I feel focused and engaged when I am in this classroom, as it is a dedicated space for learning and personal growth.


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gaytr833: спс, ок отмечу
yuriucorchemny: спс
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