I Choose the correct form of the verbs.. 1. My shoes are dirty because it....

since morning. a) is raining b) has rained c) has been raining

2. She always.... ...fault with me.

a) find b) finds c) is finding

3. Don't cry. The baby....

a) sleep b) sleeping c) is sleeping

4...............to discuss this question with us last time? a) Did he refuse b) Will he refuse c) Does he refuse

5. Tom said that they............since 4 o'clock a) had been fishing b) was fishing c) has fished

6. Look into the mirror you.... yourself. a) recognize b) don't recognize c) won't recognize​



Ответ дал: pumpkinjuice

1) c

2) b

3) c

4) a

5) a

6) c


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