Project " My future traveling" (16-18 речень) Plan 1. Introduction (встуII: iм'я, вİK ....) 2. where you plan to go 3. why you plan to go there 4. how you're going to get there 5. where you are going to stay 6. how long you are going to stay there 7. who i am going to go with 8. what you plan to do there 9. Ending ( закінчення, висновок)​


Ответ дал: BlackCatPro



Good afternoon, my name is (Ім'я), I'm (Вік) years old and today I am going to tell you were I would want to go in the future. In the future I want to go to New York. It is a big city in United States of America. I am very interested in American culture and lifestyle, and it is one of the top reasons I want to visit New York. I plan flying on a plane, since to get there you need to cross an ocean. I think I am going to stay in a motel because they are usually cheaper then actual hotels. I think I am going to stay there for about a week to see all I've planned. I also think I am going to bring my friends, since it will be more fun. I think I am going to visit the popular sight seeings there, for example Statue of Liberty. I think United States of America is a really great country to visit, and big cities like New York are going to be an especially great experience.

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