Допоможіть будь ласка написати невеличкий текст з англійської мови 6 клас !! Даю 30 балів


yulianbar2681: Скиньте будь ласка фото без перекладача


Ответ дал: fedakroxana


Hello! Soon we will have a New Year's celebration in school. It's going to be a party. Everybody is invited, and you too! The school wants to share this wonderful holiday with the students, and that's why I'm helping to organize it.

I will prepare sweets for everyone and come up with some games. We will celebrate at the school gym on December 25 at 14:00. You should bring some Christmas decorations or treats. Please don't forget to let us know if you will be attending. I will wait for your answer!

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