III. Complete the sentences with the correct phrase.


Don’t eat and run / walk with a friend / stay together / swim with a partner

Keep your name and address private / handle with care / know your emergency telephone numbers


1. When you go to amusement parks with lots of people, always________________ with your family.

2. If a stranger asks you personal questions, __________________________

3. When you go to school, _______________________________ .

4. When you go swimming, ____________________________________ .

5. If you are eating something, __________________________________ .

6. When you are making something, ________________________________________ .

7. If you want to be prepared for anything, ______________________________________ .


Ответ дал: eternity8585


1stay together

2keep your name and address private

3walk with a friend

4swim with a partner

5don’t eat and run

6 handle with care

7know your emergency telephone numbers


polinagrosheva09: а это точно правильно ?
ataibo10t: нет
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