Answer the questions 1. What is our country's treasure? 2. How can we communicate? 3. What do you want to be? 4. Describe some means of transport.
ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИЗЗЗ дам 30 баллов​


Ответ дал: asokachka


My country is a country with a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. From its ancient history and diverse traditions to its stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity, its has a wealth of treasures to be proud of.

There are many ways that people can communicate with each other. We can speak to each other in person or over the phone, write letters or emails, or use various forms of technology like messaging apps, social media platforms, or video call applications.

My personal goal is to become a successful professional in my chosen field. I am passionate about learning and growing, and I hope to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the world.

There are many different means of transport that people use to get from one place to another. Some common examples include cars, buses, trains, planes, and boats. These modes of transportation can be used for short distances or long distances, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the specific circumstances.



alinka1037: ща проверю
alinka1037: нужно ответить на вопросы а не состовлять рассказ или что это
asokachka: кого проверишь
alinka1037: ‍♀️
alinka1037: тебя
asokachka: так я не знаю как тебе именно нужно на вопрос ответить, одним предложением или несколькими, укажи чуть больше деталей
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