"образ жизни и общество "
мини твир на тему↑
на английском языке!
нужно чтобы обязательно были такие слова(**assign, boot camp, hang out, swim in the ocean, skydiving, a motive, thrill,just do it**)
Предложения не большие:(
7-9 предложений


Ответ дал: Krissti18


Now all teenagers want thrills, so they jump with a parachute. They swim in the ocean at a depth of. They run away from home to hangouts.And they're not afraid, they just do it. But usually, in order to escape from home, they first look for a motive. They really don't like to go to training camps because it's not so interesting there. And many parents don't know what to do with it.


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