1. Choose the correct answer. (write the letter) 1.They....to the office at 8 o'clock every morning. A) come B) comes C) came D) is coming 2.This manager usually... sandwiches for lunch. A) ate B) eats C) eat D) is eating 3..... they... to the office by car? A) Do... go B) Does... go C) Do... goes D) Is... going 4. ... he always... tea for lunch? A) Do... drinks B) Does... drinks C) Does... drink D) Is... drink TW 5. Do... roses now. A) is buying B) buy C) buys D) bought 6. Where... they... the film at the moment? A) do... watch B) is... watch C) are... watching D)are ... watched 7. Kate ... her school exam last May. A) will pass B) passed C) passes D) pass 8. When Mary... to bed yesterday? A) does... go B) will... go C) did... go D) do... go 9. I... at home 4 weeks ago A) was B) am C) be 10. Where... you yesterday? A) was B) were C) are D) be 11. They... a lot of fun in the swimming pool last week. A) have B) are having C)had D) has 12. My class went to a museum last week, but I didn't ... with them A) went B) go C) gone D) goed 13. What ... my father ... yesterday? A) do... buy B) did... bought C) does... buy D) did... buy 14. Why ... you... this dress last night? A) did... wear B) do... wear C) does... wear D) did... wore 15.My mom ... an interesting article two days ago. A) write B) writes C) wrote D) written *** D) is​


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