Fall... a)down b)abroad c)a letter
Miss...a)the bus b)skateboarding c)abroad d)a letter
Post...a)a car b)a bus c)a letter d)abroad
Travel... a)abroad b)miss c)letter d)a car
......the old man died before the ambulance got there.a)Unfortunately b)Luckily c)Happily
Karen was really ..... when she saw the shark. a)frightened b)dangerous
Let me .... you my new painting a)show b)shout c)shout d)play
We were driving to the beach, when we got a ..... tyre. a)stuck b)flat c)fat d)sick
I hang............................... with my friends at the weekend a)in b)out c)under d)at
I’m looking................... my keys but I can’t find them.a)at b)with c)under d)what g)for


Ответ дал: kisskatww

fall down

miss the bus

post a letter

travel abroad

Unfortunately the old man..

was really scary

let me show

we got a stuck

I hang out

I'm looking for


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