BEING ACTIVE MAKES (1) of ex- By now you probably know all about the physical ercise, but new research shows that getting fit improves your mental health, too. Regular exercise can help you feel less stressed, get more sleep and im- prove your self-confidence. So, think of your (2) as a mini vacation. For 30 minutes, you will not answer the phone or take care of others. It is hard to worry about all the things you have to do when you are concentrating on doing one more push-up! Exercise makes sure a good night's rest in two key ways: the simple act of (3) tires your body out, and working out also reduc- es (4) which can cause sleeplessness. So, the equation is simple: more physical activity equals less insomnia. By taking positive steps to improve your health and looks, you gain a feel- ing of control over your life and body. That sense of confidence will carry over (5). While you are to other areas of your life, raising your overall working out, you can think and appreciate all that your body can do instead of thinking negative thoughts about your appearance.​


Ответ дал: GlebSpy

1) benefits

2) workout

3) exercising

4) stress

5) into

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