Task 2. Put the verbs into the correct form Past Simple Tense or Past Continuous Tense

1. When I (phone) _______________________ my friends, they (play) ______________________ monopoly.

2. The kids (play) ___________________ in the garden when it (suddenly, begin) ________________ to rain.

3. While Minnie (work) __________________ in his room, his friends (come) ____________________ home.

4. Jane (wait) ___________________ for his sister when he (see) ___________________ the most beautiful girl.

5. I (practice) ___________________ the guitar when he (call) ___________________ me.

6. Her parents (dance) ____________________ at the ball when the burglar (break) _____________ into their house.​

AnaSoftie: познач кращою відповіддю, будь ласка, якщо тобі не складно


Ответ дал: AnaSoftie


1) When I phoned my friends, they were playing monopoly.

2) The kids were playing in the garden when it suddenly began to rain

3) While Minnie was working in his room, his friends came home.

4) Jane was waiting for his sister when he saw the most beautiful girl.

5) I was practising the guitar when he called me.

6) Her parents were dancing at the ball when the burglar broke into their house.

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