
Task 1. Read the text, translate it.
I’ve got a pen friend Tim. He lives in Cambridge. He is eleven years old and he goes
to school for boys. His family is big. His father is tall and thin. He has got short
straight hair and he wears glasses. Tim’s father is a doctor. He is clever, helpful and
hard-working. He likes sport and plays football and tennis. Tim’s mother is a very
beautiful woman. She has got long curly hair and big blue eyes. She is romantic and
likes flowers and animals. Tim has got two younger sisters — twins. They are lovely
girls with long straight hair. They usually wear their hair in braids. They are only five
and they don’t go to school. Tim’s grandmother is very kind. She likes cooking very

Task 3. Answer the questions.
1) Who is kind? — ___________________________________
2) Who is clever and helpful? — ________________________
3) Who is romantic? — _______________________________
4) Who wears glasses? — _____________________________
5) Who likes animals? — ______________________________
6) Who goes to school? — _____________________________
7) Who doesn’t go to school? — ________________________
8) Who likes cooking? — _____________________________
Task 4. Find the correct words in the text.
Nouns: ________________________________
Verbs: _________________________________
Pronouns: ______________________________
Adjectives: _____________________________


Ответ дал: koreteg573

Translated text:

У меня есть друг по переписке Тим. Он живет в Кембридже. Ему одиннадцать лет, и он ходит в школу для мальчиков. Его семья большая. Его отец высокий и худой. У него короткие прямые волосы, и он носит очки. Отец Тима - врач. Он умный, отзывчивый и трудолюбивый. Он любит спорт, играет в футбол и теннис. Мать Тима - очень красивая женщина. У нее длинные вьющиеся волосы и большие голубые глаза. Она романтична и любит цветы и животных. У Тима есть две младшие сестры - близнецы. Они милые, девочки с длинными прямыми волосами. Обычно они заплетают волосы в косы. Им всего пять лет и они не ходят в школу. Бабушка Тима очень добрая. Она очень любит готовить.

1. Tim's grandmother is kind.

2. Tim's father is clever and helpful.

3. Tim's mother is romantic.

4. Tim's father wears glasses.

5. Tim's mother likes animals.

6. Tim goes to school.

7. Tim's two younger sisters don't go to school.

8. Tim's grandmother likes cooking.

Nouns: pen, friend, Tim, Cambridge, school, boys, family, father, hair, glasses, doctor, sport, football, tennis, mother, eyes, sisters, twins, girls, hair, braids, grandmother, cooking.

Verbs: is, goes, has got, wears, plays, is, likes, is, has got, is, likes, is, likes, likes.

Pronouns: he, his, she, her.

Adjectives: eleven, tall, thin, short, straight, beautiful, long, curly, big, blue, lovely, long, straight, only, five, kind, much.

Аноним: Спасибо
polinamarinets2000: крутяк
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