1.Thousands of years ago, people would base their activities upon the. A) sound of the rooster, B) amount of work to be done, C) phases of the moon, D) rising and setting of the sun.
2.The author attempts to. A) convince readers to buy a new kind of clock, B) tell the story of how the atomic clock was built, C) challenge readers to find a better way to tell time, D) describe different ways people have told time.
3.What was the oldest form of timekeeping? A) clepsydra, B) atomic clock, C) astrarium, D) shadow clock.
4.How did the weight-driven clock change the science of telling time? A) It allowed clock makers to create beautiful clocks, B) It allowed time pieces to become hand-held, C) It marked the beginning of new technology, D) It marked the end of using the sun to tell time.
5.The atomic clock is, A) not built yet, B) dangerous, C) outdated, D) precise.
6.What was the biggest advance in timekeeping? A) the sundial, B) the atomic clock, C) global positioning systems, D) the wristwatch.
Writing. Write a narrative (200-250 words) about the most special day of your life. Include the following information: •Say when the day was, and describe what the day was like.
•Say what you were doing and what happened during the day.
•Explain why it was so special and memorable for you.
•Describe your feelings on the day, and how you feel about it today.
Card 2.
1. Why is telling time so important to people today?
2. How would your life be different if you lived in a world without clocks? Describe what a day in a life without clocks might be like.
3. Do you think you manage your time wisely?​


Ответ дал: dice335



1 C) phases of the moon

2 D) describe different ways people have told time

3 A) clepsydra

4 C) It marked the beginning of new technology

5 D) precise

6 B) the atomic clock


The most special day of my life was on (дата любого твоего др). It was a hot summer day, with clear blue skies and a warm breeze. I had been looking forward to this day for weeks, as it was my birthday.

I woke up early, feeling excited and a little nervous. I spent the morning opening presents and cards from my loved ones, taking care to appreciate each one. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the people in my life and the love they showed me.

As the day went on, I spent time with my friends and family, enjoying a barbecue and playing outdoor games. It was the perfect way to celebrate such a special occasion.

In the evening, we went to a fireworks display to watch the colorful explosions light up the night sky. It was a truly magical moment, one that I will never forget.

Looking back on that day, I still feel incredibly grateful and happy. It was a truly special and memorable day, and it's one that I will always treasure. Even now, more than two years later, the memories of that day still bring a smile to my face. It was truly the best day of my life.

Card 2.

1. Telling time is important to people today because it helps us to organize and plan our daily activities. We rely on clocks to coordinate our schedules, set appointments, and meet deadlines. In many cases, our jobs and other responsibilities depend on us being punctual and keeping track of time.

2. If I lived in a world without clocks, my life would be very different. I would have to rely on other methods to tell time, such as the sun or natural rhythms, which can be less precise than clocks. This would likely make it harder for me to plan and coordinate my activities.

I might have to wake up earlier in the morning to make sure I have enough time to get things done before the sun goes down, and I would have to rely on my own internal clock to tell me when it's time to go to bed. I would also have to be more in tune with the natural world and pay closer attention to the changing seasons.

A day in a life without clocks would likely be less structured and more reliant on the rhythms of nature. It might be more difficult to coordinate with other people and plan events, and I would have to be more flexible and adaptable in my schedule.

3. I believe that I manage my time wisely. I try to prioritize my responsibilities and set aside time for each task. I also try to be mindful of how I spend my time, and I try to avoid distractions and unnecessary tasks. However, like everyone, I do have my moments where I could be more efficient and better at managing my time.

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