Tuesday, the thirteenth of December
Writing Comprehension Test

Ex.1 Вибери вірне слово для кожного речення. Match the right word for each
1) ________ coffee
a) a little
b) a few
2) ________milk
a) a little
b) a few
3) _______ potatoes
a) a little
b) a few
4) ________ apples
a) a little
b) a few
5) ________ bananas
a) a little
b) a few
6) _______meat
a)a few
b) a little
7) _______ tomatoes
a) a few
b) a little
8) _______ tea
a) a little
b) a few
9) _______soup
a) a little
b) a few
10) _______ cakes
a) a little
b) a few


Ответ дал: t7vkgkmp4p


1) a

2) b

3) a

4) b

5) a

6) b

7) b

8) a

9) b

10) b


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