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Card 2 - «Earth and our place in it>> 1. What are some things that can be recycled? 2. What are some things that your community is doing to help the environment? 3. What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in your country? 4. Do you think global warming is an effect of pollution?
Card 3 - «Charities and Conflict>> 1. What types of charities do you think are doing the best and most effective world? 2. What do you think about giving money to homeless people or beggars? 3. Do you think it is better to give time or money? 4. Do you think countries should help the poor in their own country before ser other countries? Why?
Card 4-«Charities and Conflict»> 1. What do you think are some important charities people should give to? 2. Do you think people should give money to homeless people? 3. Should rich people and corporations be forced to give to charity? 4. What benefits can you get by volunteering? ​



Ответ дал: putthetopofmoney



Card 2 - «Earth and our place in it>>
1. Some things that can be recycled include paper, plastic, glass, metal, and electronics. Other materials that can be recycled include textiles, construction and demolition debris, and yard waste.

2. Some things that communities may do to help the environment include implementing recycling programs, promoting the use of alternative modes of transportation, such as public transit or biking, and preserving natural areas or green spaces.

3. Some ways that individuals can reduce pollution in their country include reducing their own consumption of resources, such as by conserving energy and water, using reusable bags and containers instead of disposable ones, and properly disposing of hazardous materials. Other actions that can help reduce pollution include supporting businesses and policies that promote sustainability, and advocating for stronger environmental regulations and protections.

4. Many experts believe that global warming is at least partially caused by pollution, particularly the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, causing the Earth's surface temperature to rise.

Card 3 - «Charities and Conflict>>

1. Different types of charities may be effective at addressing different issues or addressing needs in different regions or communities. Some charities that are widely regarded as effective include those that focus on providing basic needs such as food, shelter, and medical care, as well as those that work to address global issues such as poverty, disease, and environmental conservation.

2. Giving money to homeless people or beggars can be a way to provide immediate assistance to individuals who are in need. However, some people may prefer to give to charities or organizations that provide more comprehensive support and services, as this can have a longer-term impact.

3. The decision of whether to give time or money to a cause depends on an individual's personal circumstances and priorities. Some people may prefer to give their time by volunteering or advocating for a cause, while others may feel that their financial resources are the most valuable way they can contribute.

4. Some people believe that countries should prioritize helping the poor within their own borders before assisting people in other countries. Others argue that global issues such as poverty and disease are interconnected and that addressing them requires a global effort.

Card 4-"Charities and Conflict">

1. Important charities may vary depending on an individual's values ​​and priorities. Some charities that are widely regarded as important include those that provide basic needs such as food, shelter, and medical care, as well as those that work to address global issues such as poverty, disease, and environmental conservation.

2. Some people believe that giving money to homeless people can provide immediate assistance and support, while others may prefer to give to organizations or charities that provide more comprehensive services and support.

3. The question of whether rich people and corporations should be required to give to charity is a complex and controversial issue. Some people argue that those who have more resources have a responsibility to give back to their communities or to address global issues, while others believe that charitable giving should be a voluntary decision.

4. Some benefits of volunteering include the opportunity to make a positive impact on a cause or community, to gain new skills or experiences, to meet new people, and to feel a sense of personal fulfillment.

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