1) We ... (to order) a pizza if Dolly ... (not to cook) supper.
2) If you... (not to be) careful, you... (to burn) yourself.
3) When Tony ... (to finish) school, he ... (to continue) his study at the college.
4) If Mary ... (to have) a toothache, she should go to the dentist.
5) The snow ... (to melt) when the sun ... (to shine).
6) If you ... (not to pay) the electricity bill, they ... (to cut) it off.


Ответ дал: putthetopofmoney



We will order a pizza if Dolly doesn't cook supper.

If you are not careful, you will burn yourself.

When Tony finishes school, he will continue his study at the college.

If Mary has a toothache, she should go to the dentist.

The snow will melt when the sun shines.

If you don't pay the electricity bill, they will cut it off.

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