№ 1. Mark the proper form of the verb:

What... you... at the weekends?

a) does/does 6) do does

n) does/do

r) do do

№ 2. Mark the correct version of the given sentence changed into the negative.

We shall take part in the competition. a) Won't you take part in the competition?

6) Don't take part in the competition. r) We shan't take part in the competition.

n) We didn't take part in the competition.

№ 3. Mark the only correct modal verb. -You are a really fast swimmer.

-When I was

younger, I... a mile in 6) should swim

forty minutes. n) may swim

a) could swim

1) must swim

№ 4. Mark the suitable tense form in the given sentence. Alec's smiling again,... he? a) hasn't

6) isn't

n) doesn't

r) is

№ 5. Mark the word in the group that is misspelled: a) world

6) tree

B) fictin

r) economy

№ 6. Mark the only word to make this sentence sensible.

Who... you this story? a) spoke

6) said

B) told

r) talked

№ 7. Match the word:

A... throat. a) ache

6) pain

B) sore

r) ill

№ 8. Mark the only word to make this sentence sensible. If a person cares only about himself, he is....

a) frank

6) selfish

n) proud

r) reserved

№ 9. Choose the right answer.

Thanksgiving Day.... a) November, 28-th

6) May, 12-th

B) July, 4-th

r) June, 16-th

№ 10. Choose the right answer.

What is the business center of London?

a) Buckingham Palace 6) the East End

B) The West End

1) the City


Ответ дал: yana552844

Відповідь: What do you do at the weekend?

2. What do Dick and Tom like doing?

3. Do boys like to wear jeans?

4. My classmates go on picnic every month.

5. Mary washes her face every morning.

6. I smoke a cigarette, but my teacher doesn't smoke.

7. They don't wash their car every day.

8. My parents don't eat meat.

9. Summer holidays begin in June.

10. We play tennis on Monday evenings, but my little sister plays on



Ответ дал: Mamytbekov01


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