Which jobs would you enjoy doing? ………………………………………………….
Which ones are the most suitable for younger people? Why? ………………………
Which ones are the most suitable for older people? Why?


Ответ дал: lizavdovitski

I think I would like to work in the IT field, because now it is in great demand and people get a lot of profit. There are also many opportunities for career growth, if you continue to learn and develop, your level will change in a couple of years, you will grow from a junior specialist to an average one, and then to a senior one. As for the younger generation, modern jobs (marketing, interface design, etc.) will suit them. These professions are the future, and this generation will like working in the field of technology, and again - there are many opportunities. Let's talk about the older generation - I'm sure they will like something like a guide, proofreaders, forum moderators, phone consultants, document makers. This is a list of activities for retirees. Since special courses are already being held today, master classes for an audience of retirement age, and even universities are being opened for the elderly, where everyone can get some new knowledge and skills. Moreover, watchmen, nannies - not everyone likes it.

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