Молю вас,зделайте тест,прошу



Ответ дал: Animus52Hz


Task I.

1. Last summer, I had a rest at my granny's place.

2. As far as my mum is a heart of our family she always organizes theme parties for us.

3. Look at this happy family with backpacks! I'm sure they are going to go picknicking.

4. My sister has not taken her music lesson this week yet.

5. While I was cutting cheese, my sister was cutting vegetables.

6. I adore winter sports, and this summer we are skiing in the Carpathians. [I don't get it.]

7. I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow. We must put on raincoats and take umbrellas.

Task II.

I'm a great traveller. I travel every time I can't wait to enjoy do it. Everybody says "Luck you!", And I'm with them on that. But before every trip I carefully plan my route. Besides, my mum always gives me good advice on packing. So, the next thing you have to do before the trip is to make your packing list. Along with your personal belongings don't forget about essentials. Among them are documents, toiletries, and, of course, money. I mean cash and credit cards. But be careful not to take a lot of extra items. For now, everything is ready and I discover the mystery the beauty of Lake District. And who knows, maybe. I'll be the one to have a chance of Loch Ness Monster at last.

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