Choose the correct item
1Simon is a(n)__ friend;he will never betray you.
A interesting B jealous C twenty
2 Robert is quite young; he's in his early __
A years B sociable C serious
3 Lucky loves meeting new people. She's a very __ person
A calm B social C serious
4 You can see Bob is getting old; he's got quite a few__
A winkles B freckles C glasses
5 Mary is quite__. She's always able to think of new ideas
A funny B talkative C imaginative
6 Mario is quite tall and he's got__ shoulders
A full B well-built C broad
7 Rachel is very __. She never does any homework.
A lazy B mean C kind
8 Jenny is very ___; that's why she hasn't got many friends
A brave B shy C friendly


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1Simon is a(n)__ friend;he will never betray you.

C loyal

2 Robert is quite young; he's in his early __

A years

3 Lucky loves meeting new people. She's a very __ person

B social

4 You can see Bob is getting old; he's got quite a few__

A winkles

5 Mary is quite__. She's always able to think of new ideas

C imaginative

6 Mario is quite tall and he's got__ shoulders

C broad

7 Rachel is very __. She never does any homework.

A lazy

8 Jenny is very ___; that's why she hasn't got many friends

B shy


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