Task3. Choose Past simple or Present perfect I Columbus Nina I Colin Last winter Robin Ellen Emily and Molly my keys, so I can't open that door. (to lose) in the New World in 1492. (to arrive) her leg. She is still in hospital. (to break) here all my life. (to live) for Brazil this morning. (to leave) with his father in the Alps for three days. (to stay) with her left hand. (always / to write) each other for more than 10 years (to know) Total​



Ответ дал: znanijauser46123

I lost me keys,so I can't open that door.

Columbus arrived in New World in 1492

Nina broke her leg.She is still in hospital.

I lived here all my life.

Colin left for Brazil this morning.

Last winter Robin stayed with his father in the Alps for three days.

Ellen always writes with her left hand.

Emily and Molly knew each other for more than 10 years.

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