поставить глаголы в правильную форму
1. Sandy (read) historic books every day.
2. What Liza (do) now? — Liza (write) a letter.
3. Kate (meet) with her friends 10 minutes ago.
4. When Jill (come) to the office tomorrow?
5. Simon (buy) a ticket yesterday.
6. Mary (read) the text while Ann (translate) the words.
7. Charlotte (do) her homework while her friend Megan (read) the text.
8. The Ivanovs (go) to the Hermitage last week.
9. The sun (rise) yet, but the sky (get) lighter every minute.
10. Sandy (not go) to the shopping mall yesterday.
11. Sandy (go) to the shopping mall tomorrow.
12. Samuel just (go) out.
13. How long Gretta (drive) a car? — Gretta (drive) for 5 years
14. When Alice (go) to the cinema?— Alice (go) to the cinema last Sunday.
15. How long father (repair) the car? — He (repair) the car all day.
16. When I (grow) up, I (not go) to bed early.
17. Yesterday at this time I (cook) dinner.
18. Bob (look) for his shoes when I came in.


Ответ дал: eleonorka99


1 reads

2 is Liza doing/ is writing

3 met

4 is Jill going to come

5 bought

6 was reading, was translating

7 was doing, was reading

8 went

9 hasn't risen, is getting

10 didn't go

11  is going to go

12 has just gone

13 has Gretta been driving, has been driving

14 did Alice go, went

15 has been father repairing, has been repairing

16 grow up, won't go

17 was cooking

18 was looking


every - PrS

now - PrC

ago, yesterday, last - PaS

tomorrow - be going to

while - PaC

yet, just - PrPS

how long - PrPC

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