Срочно! Даю 100 балов!! 3 задание к выполнению по желанию

Read the text below and decide if the statements 1-8 are True or False according to the text.
Who are Teenagers?

It was a popular British comedian Harry Enfield who perfectly captured the essence of those difficult teenage years in his character “Kevin the Teenager”. On the eve of his 13th birthday, Kevin and his parents were counting down the seconds till midnight, when the birthday boy began to change before everybody’s eyes. His hair became long and greasy; his skin broke out in spots; his clothes became scruffy and ill-fitting and he lost his ability to speak properly. “I hate you. You are ruining my life” – that’s what he shouted. Frankly speaking, isn’t it a recognizable picture?
The teens really care about the way they look. Many of them believe if a person doesn’t follow fashion, he won’t be in the centre of attention. That’s why they try to wear trendy clothes not be on the other side of popularity. To be popular, in their opinion, means to look perfect – have the perfect clothes, the perfect hair style and the perfect face. The opinion of their peers matters a lot for them.
The desire to be on equal terms with others explains their hanging out with friends. If they are not involved in any activity, they will feel a bit stressed out. Talking with friends on the phone, participating in sport competitions, concerts, student governments are widely spread among them.
In the 21st century, the country of new technologies, teenagers spend tremendous amount of time surfing the Internet, playing computer games. They are so addicted to playing them. Not for nothing they got the name of the ‘thumb generation’. In this connection, a new tendency of exchanging games, discs with music or films appeared. Teenagers feel necessity for meeting peers with the same interests and preferences. Thus, a lot of clubs as another form of socializing in many countries are set up.
If you enjoy dancing, you may join a dancing club. If you are keen on technology, join a technology club etc. At the same time, a lot of interesting teens’ organizations like Boy Scouts or Plast were set up. Together with clubs they help them to enrich teenagers’ world, to develop their intelligence and practical skills, to share their interests and to learn from each other. They have fun being together. Being in a group is like living a real life for them. So let them enjoy this life and be happy.

[1] True/False
1. The teens care about the way they look.
2. To be popular means have the perfect clothes for teenagers.
3. Talking with friends on the phone, participating in sport competitions, concerts, student governments make them feel a bit stressed out.
4. There are no new activities in the 21st century for teenagers?
5. Not for nothing they called a ‘new generation’.
6. Teenagers feel necessity join Scouts or Plast.
7. Many teenagers feel a bit stressed out.
8. Being in a group with others is like living a unreal life for teens.

[2] Use of English Grammar and Vocabulary
Choose the correct answer.
9. The modern motorbike …. is parked outside is my grandfather’s.
a) who b) where c) which d) when
10. This is the girl …. always studies well .
a) when b) who c) which d) whose
11. The bar ….I worked for a long time , has closed down.
a) which b) when c) who d) where
12. I’ll go to the theatre …….. I finish doing my homework.
a) where b) whose c) when d) who
13. Chris doesn’t mind ... in the garden all day.
a) to work b) working c) work
14. He decided ... abroad .
a) going b) to go c) goes
15. Someone who teaches students is……
a) a doctor b) dentist c) teacher d) farmer
16. Someone who does not eat meat is …..
a) coach potato b) football fan c) vegetarian d) vet
17. They pierce their noses and ears with pins .
a) hippies b) punks c) computer geeks d) athletes
18. We …very late yesterday.
a) woke up b) wake up c) have waken up d) woken
19. They ….. in Paris.
a) had lived b) lived c) was living d) have been living
20. The kids …. in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
a) were playing b) was playing c) played d) had been playing
21. I … TV, when my mother came home.
a) watched b) watch c) was watching d) was watched
22. We … all day yesterday.
a) swam b) was swimming c) were swimming d) were swimming
23. Newspapers, TV, radio, the Internet is the …. .
a) mass media b) magazines c) social networks
24. Find an odd one out.
a) a cartoon b) a soap opera c) MTV
25. She ... watch series 2 days ago.
a) did not watch b) does not watch c) had not watched d) watched
26. That’s the classmate …. brother is an English teacher.
a) who b) when c) whose d) where
27. I enjoy …. picture postcards.
a) to write b) writing c) write
28. He usually …. books at home.
a) read b) reads c) is read d) reading

[3] Write down a composition on one of the topics 50-100 words.

1. The Internet in our life.
2. My favourite TV program.
3. My future career. What would you like to be and why?


Ответ дал: qqsxqxxqcweftok

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. False

Choose the correct answer.
9. c) which

10. b) who

11. a) which

12. a) where

13. b) working

14. b) to go

15. c) teacher

16. c) vegetarian

17. b) punks

18. d) woken

19. b) lived

20. a) were playing

21. c) was watching

22. c) were swimming

23. a) mass media

24. c) MTV

25. c) had not watched

26. c) whose

27. b) writing

28. b) reads

Write down a composition on one of the topics 50-100 words.
1. The Internet in our life.

The internet has become an integral part of our lives in the 21st century. It allows us to access a vast amount of information at our fingertips, connect with people all over the world, and perform various tasks online. The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, shop, work, and entertain ourselves. It has also brought about numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency and convenience. However, it is important to use the internet responsibly and be aware of the potential risks and drawbacks, such as online fraud, cyberbullying, and addiction. Overall, the internet has greatly impacted our daily lives and will continue to shape the way we live in the future.

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