IV. Write a letter to your penfriend about your school and after-school activities (10 sentences), using the plan below. How busy your usual day is. After-school activities. Dear...., In your letter you are asking me about my usual day.​


Ответ дал: qqsxqxxqcweftok

Dear [Имя друга],

I hope this letter finds you well. In your letter you asked me about my usual day, so I thought I would tell you a bit about my school and after-school activities.

As for my usual day, it's pretty busy. I usually wake up around 7am and get ready for school. I have classes from 8am to 3pm, with a lunch break in the middle. After school, I usually have some homework to do, which takes up a couple of hours.

In terms of after-school activities, I'm quite busy. I play soccer on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, and I have violin lessons on Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday, I usually have a bit of extra time to relax or hang out with friends.

Overall, my days are pretty packed, but I really enjoy my activities and don't mind the busy schedule. How about you? What do you do after school?

Take care,

[Твое имя]

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