Соотнесите предложения со временами
1. Are you doing anything at the moment?
2. Jim has already done lots of work today.
3. My family went to the seaside last summer.
4. Bill never does anything.
5. Our planet is orbiting the Sun.
6. He never did it.
7. We have already done the work and can go home.
8. They often play tennis.
9. She didn’t put her hat on.
10. The party starts at 8 o’clock.
11. Are you working on any special projects at work?
12. Had he arrived before the show began?
13. You have grown since the last time I saw you.
14. I had read the book before she came.
15. When did you feed the parrot?


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. Present Continuous

2. Present Perfect

3. Past Simple.

4.present simple

5.present continuous

6. Past Simple

7.Present Perfect

8. Present Simple

9. Past Simple

10. Present Simple

11. Present Continuous

12. Past Perfect

13. Present

14. Past

15. Past


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