Put the verb into correct form (Passive Voice).
1. He (to tell) the news tomorrow.
2. Professor (to listen) to with great attention.
3. Who (to examine) now?
4. The experiments already (to conduct) in some laboratories.
5. He (to follow) by a strange-looking man.
6. A new tunnel (to complete) in London by the next year.

Change Passive Voice to Active Voice
1. A new dress was bought by a girl,
2. The holidays were spent by friends.
3. The bed is done by my sister.
4. This car was bought by our father.


Ответ дал: daniilkey
  • The news will be told by him tomorrow.
  • The professor is listened to with great attention.
  • Who is being examined now?
  • Some laboratories have already conducted the experiments.
  • He is followed by a strange-looking man.
  • A new tunnel will be completed in London by next year.
  • A girl bought a new dress.
  • Friends spent the holidays.
  • My sister did the bed.
  • Our father bought this car.
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