завершите разговор правильной формой глаголов в скобках.
Mitchell,: I really like your new T shirt. Where (1) you (get) it?.
Ella: I (2) (buy) it last week at Vintage, the new shop on West Streer.
Mitchell: I (3) (not be) there.
Ella: It (4) (open) two weeks ago and it s really cool.
Mitchell: (5) you (buy) anything else there since then?
Ella: No, I haven't. I (6) (be) really busy this week with the school magazine and (7) (not have) much time to go shopping


Ответ дал: Quarter48

Mitchell: I really like your new T shirt. Where did you get it?

Ella: I bought it last week at Vintage, the new shop on West Street.

Mitchell: I haven't been there.

Ella: It opened two weeks ago and it's really cool.

Mitchell: Have you bought anything else there since then?

Ella: No, I haven't. I've been really busy this week with the school magazine and haven't had much time to go shopping.

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