Use an appropriate introductory verb to report the following. 1. "It wasn't me who stole the car," said Henry. Henry denied stealing / having 2. "May I have a piece of cake please?" she said...................................... 3. "Yes, okay. I'll tell him about the accident," he said................................, 4. "I must have the report by tomorrow," the boss said..............................., 5. "Please, please let me go to the party," Sue asked her mother...................., 6. "I'll never be naughty again," Ted said to his father................................. 7. "Stand up straight!" said the sergeant to the soldier................................, 8. "Yes, it was me who robbed the bank," he said..................................... 9. "I didn't come to work because I was ill," she said to her boss....................... 10. "Let's play chess," he said........................................................, 11. "I'm sorry I forgot to phone you," he said to her...................................., 12. "Don't forget to go to the bank," she said to him.................................., 13. "You should relax more," the doctor said to him................................., 14. "Mark is always shouting at me," she said.......................................... 15. "Yes, it is a nice dress," he said..................................................., 16. "Shall I carry your bag, Tracy?" he said.........................................., 17. "No, I certainly won't do your homework Graham," said Bill........................, 18. "You scratched my record," he said to her........................................., 19. "Leave now or I'll phone the police," she said to the salesman...................., 20. "Oh alright, I'll lend you my car, Tom," she said...................................., 21. "It's true, I broke the window," he said. ,........................................., 22. "I'll phone you as soon as I arrive," she said to me................................., 23. "You're right,
24. "No, I won't marry you, John," she said. .........................................,

25. "If you try to escape, I'll shoot you," he said to the prisoner.........................,

26. "Why don't we have chicken for dinner?" he said..................................

27. "You must sign the contract, Mr Harrison," she said.................................

28. "I'll punish you if you do that again!" he said to the boy.............................,

29. "Would you like me to show you how to use this computer?" she said to me......,

30. "Yes, it is a good idea," he said....................................................


Ответ дал: DoloveAI

1 Henry denied stealing the car.

2 She asked for a piece of cake.

3 He agreed to tell him about the accident.

4 The boss ordered the report by tomorrow.

5 Sue begged her mother to let her go to the party.

6 Ted promised his father he would never be naughty again.

7 The sergeant ordered the soldier to stand up straight.

8 He admitted robbing the bank.

9 She explained to her boss that she was ill.

10 He invited her to play chess.

11 He apologized for forgetting to phone her.

12 She reminded him to go to the bank.

13 The doctor advised him to relax more.

14 She complained that Mark was always shouting at her.

15 He agreed that it was a nice dress.

16 He offered to carry Tracy's bag.

17 Bill refused to do Graham's homework.

18 He accused her of scratching his record.

19She threatened to phone the police if he didn't leave.

20She finally agreed to lend Tom her car.

21 He confessed to breaking the window.

22 She promised to phone me as soon as she arrived.

23You're right, I won't tell anyone.

24She rejected John's marriage proposal.

25 He warned the prisoner that he would shoot him if he tried to escape.

26 He suggested having chicken for dinner.

27 She demanded that Mr Harrison sign the contract.

28 He threatened to punish the boy if he did it again.

29 She offered to show me how to use the computer.

30 He agreed that it was a good idea.

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