Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. a) I will study tonight if I am not too tired. b) I will buy a new c) If I have enough time if I d) Unless the weather is bad f) When I next see my best friend, g) I always when e) As long as I have enough money, h) If I get angry, I usually

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Ответ дал: DoloveAI

a) I will study tonight if I am not too tired.

b) I will buy a new phone if I save up enough money.

c) If I have enough time, I will go to the gym.

d) Unless the weather is bad, I will go for a run in the park.

e) When I next see my best friend, I will give her a hug.

f) I always wear a seatbelt when driving.

g) As long as I have enough money, I will go on vacation.

h) If I get angry, I usually take a deep breath and try to calm down.

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