1 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1 You take photos inside the museum. It's not allowed!
a don't have to
b mustn't
2 I get up early yesterday because it was the weekend.
a had to
b should
c shouldn't
c didn't have to
3 I don't think you eat so much chocolate. It's not good for you.
a have to
b must
c should
4 You drive above the speed limit on city roads.
a shouldn't
b mustn't
c don't have to
5 I need your advice! wear this dress to the party tonight?
a Should I
b Must I
c Do I have to
6 We set off very early tomorrow morning. 10 am will be fine.
a don't have to
b mustn't
c shouldn't
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present continuous or
be going to. Sometimes both are possible.
We've got a long journey ahead to get to Australia. We're (1).... (catch) the plane
at 9.30 tomorrow morning, so I'm (2) .....(find) my old alarm clock tonight! I
know we (3).... (have) a great time! The only problem is that our friends say the
weather's not good, so it's probably (4) ....(rain) for some of the time we're there.
We're (5) .....(stay) with friends in Adelaide for a week and then we're
(6)....(travel) to Sydney on the 15th. It's all planned - and I really can't wait!
3. WRITING: Your teacher has asked you to write a story beginning with the
following sentence:
Ron opened the window- and couldn't believe his eyes...


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