Напишите определения словам. Например. Generous(adj)-PERSON WHO GIVES EVERYTHING TO EVERYONE Kind(adj)- Broth(n)- Pasture(n)- Responsible(adj)- To pat(v)-срочноо помогите ​

rstdfygtuiijpkop: Kind-generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings. Broth-a thin soup, often with vegetables or rice in it. Pasture-grass or similar plants suitable for animals such as cows and sheep to eat, or an area of land covered in this.Responsible-to have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of it, him, or her. Pat-to touch someone or something gently and usually repeatedly with the hand flat


Ответ дал: rstdfygtuiijpkop

Ответ:Kind-generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings. Broth-a thin soup, often with vegetables or rice in it. Pasture-grass or similar plants suitable for animals such as cows and sheep to eat, or an area of land covered in this.Responsible-to have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of it, him, or her. Pat-to touch someone or something gently and usually repeatedly with the hand flat

Объяснение:Kind- добрый, помогающий и думающий об чувствах других людей. Broth- суп, часто с овощами или рисом в нём. Pasture- трава или похожие растения съедобные для животных таких так корова и овца, или область покрытая травой. Responsible- (Быть ответственным) иметь контроль над чем то или кем то и ухаживать за ним или ей. Pat- трогать что то или кого то аккуратно и часто повторять это с прямой рукой (Гладить)

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