Заполните пропуски объективными местоимения со следующими предлогами: at, for, from, to, with, about.
1 am at home now . My friends are at .......... 2. My uncle is in the hospital . I am at ....... now . 3. These doctors are in the country My sister is at now . 4. I am looking at the map . I am looking at ........ 5. They are looking at the secretary . They are looking at ....... 6. He is looking at new computers . He is looking at ........ 7. She is buying this sandwich for her brother . She is buying this sandwich for ........ 8. I am going to buy this newspaper for my friends . I am going to buy this newspaper for ... 9. He is buying this computer for his sister . He is buying this computer for ........ 10. They are doing this work for their chief . They are doing this 11. He is doing work for this lawyer . He is doing work for ........ 12. This is a letter from my sister . This is a letter from ...... 13. These are letters from our brothers . These are letters from 14. Will you take disks from the table . Will you take disks from ...... 15. Will you take newspapers from these managers Will you take newspapers from friend to 17. He is going to invite us to the theatre . He is going to invite us to ...... 16. I am going to invite my friend to my uncle . I am going to invite my to invite a journalist to their chief . They are going to invite a journalist to ...... work for work 18. They are going 19. He is writing a letter to his girl - friend . He is writing a letter to 20. They are writing a letter to their chief . They are writing a letter to girl - fe21 . He is working with his brother now . He is working with ...... ow 22. She is reading a book with he sister now . She is reading a book with now . 23. They are going to have dinner with their friends tonight They are going to have dinner with tonight . 24. She is reading a book about computers now . She is reading a book about now , 25.I am writing to my brother about our party now . I am writing to . now , 26. They are reading a book about Steven King now . They are reading a book about now .


Ответ дал: murbul



2.the hospital

3.the country

4.the map

5.the secretary

6.new computers

7.her brother

8.my friends

9.his sister

10.their chief

11.this lawyer

12.my sister

13.our brothers

14.the table

15.these managers

16.my uncle

17.the theatre

18.their chief

19.his girl-friend

20.their chief

21.his brother

22.her sister

23.their friends


25.my brother

26.Steven King


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