1. Correct the mistakes. smaller The tennis ball is more small than a football. 2. This dress cost fewer than I thought. 3. Giraffe is more taller than an elephant. 4. The car is expensive than a motorbike. 5. Kairat is more fitter than Asan. 6. It's beter than it was before. 7. This film is a bit more dull than the film we saw yesterday. 8. My brother's family is more wealthy than my sister's one. 9. I live more far from the school than my friends.​


Ответ дал: evasalami13


1. the tennis ball is smaller than the football.

2. the dress costs fewer that i thought.

3. giraffe is taller that an elephant.

4. the car is more expensive than a motorbike.

5. kaitar is fitter than the Adan

6.its better than before

7. this film is a bit duller than the film we saw yesterday.

8. my brothers family is wealthier than my sister's

9. i live farer from the school than my friend


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