5. If they ... stop talking, the teacher ... be angry. A) doesn't / doesn't B) don't/ will C) will / don't D) won't / will E) don't / don't Нұсқау: «Сізге бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауабы бар тапсырмалар беріледі. Таңдаған жауапты жауап парағындағы берілген пәнге сәйкес орынға, дөңгелекшені толык бояу арқылы белгілеу кажет». 6. Төл сөздің дұрыс төлеу сөзге ауысуы. Are you travelling alone, Clare?-asked he. A) He asked her she if was travelling alone. B) He asked her she if travelling alone. C) He asked her she was travelling alone. D) He her asked if she was travelling alone. E) He asked her was if she travelling alone. F) He asked her if she was travelling alone. G) He asked was her if she was travelling alone. H) He asked she her if she was travelling alone.​


Ответ дал: egorshop228


If they don't stop talking, the teacher will be angry.

He asked her if she was travelling alone.


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