Вживання used to/ didn't use to в реченнях Знайдіть та виправте помилки в реченнях. В зошит записуйте виділену частину речення з вже виправленими помилками 1 I use to get up at 6.30, but I don't any more. 2 Did she always used to have long hair? 3 Lily used to went to school on foot, but now she goes by bus. 4 They didn't used to have a car, they used to cycle everywhere. 5 We used to had a dog, when was a child. 6 Jane uses to be a singer. 7 I don't eat meat, but I use to liked it when I was young.​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj



1. I used to get up at ...

2. Did she always use to have long hair?

3. Lily used to go to school on foot...

4. They didn't use to have a car ...

5. We used to have a dog ...

6. Jane used to be a singer.

7 . ....but I used to like it when I was young.

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