1. Human Rights
2. Media and Communication
3. Social and Ecomonic Affairs
4. Education
5. Culture and Heritage
6. Sport
7. Youth
8. Health
9. Environment
10. Local and Regional

A- promoting freedom of expression and the free flow of information;
B- working to protect the natural environment and organizing public
information campaigns;
C- strengthening democracy and organizing cooperation;
D- adopting common standards for health care;
E- transmitting democratic values and preparing young people to live in
a cultural Europe;
F- fostering an awareness of a European cultural identity and developing
policies to protect the heritage;
G- promoting a policy of “Sport for All” and establishing clear-cut
ethical standards;
H- improving safeguards embodied in the European Convention on
Human Rights, speeding up judicial procedures and extending the list of
rights, especially for minorities;
I- creating guidelines for greater social justice in Europe and protection
for the most vulnerable;
J- involving young people in European co-operation through the
European Youth Centre and European Youth Foundation.


Ответ дал: yuriucorchemny


Human Rights - H

Media and Communication - A

Social and Economic Affairs - I

Education - E

Culture and Heritage - F

Sport - G

Youth - J

Health - D

Environment - B

Local and Regional Government - C


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