2 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Discuss what you know about when the main roads, railways and telephone lines were built in your country. Think about... 1 how and when the main roads (and/or railways) were built, and by whom. 2 how communications, such as telephone lines, started, and when. 3 any difficulties people had when building the roads, telephone lines, etc. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА,даю всё балы ​


Ответ дал: yuriucorchemny


1)In my country, the main roads were built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by various government agencies and private contractors. The railways were also built around this time, with many of the major lines being completed by the 1920s.

2)The first telephone lines were installed in my country in the late 19th century, with the first telephone exchange opening in the capital city in 1878. The telephone network gradually expanded over the following decades, with the introduction of long-distance lines and the development of new technologies such as the rotary dial and automatic exchanges.

3)Building roads and telephone lines was a challenging task in my country, due to the rugged terrain and harsh weather conditions in many areas. There were also political and economic difficulties that sometimes hindered progress. For example, the construction of some railway lines was delayed due to disputes over land ownership or funding issues. Additionally, the early telephone networks faced technical challenges, such as maintaining a reliable connection over long distances, and overcoming interference from other electrical devices.

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