Reading Task 2. Read the text and do the task. "European Space Agency The European Space Agency (ESA) is looking at possible ideas space missions, to start around 2017 or 2018. The project is called Cosm asking "What are the big questions in space science?" and "How can we haven't decided anything yet, but here are some possible future missions. Perhaps they'll go to Europa, one of the Moons of Jupiter. They know there Perhaps they'll fly a balloon on Titan, one of Saturn's moons. Saturn's many moons. Perhaps they'll build a new telescope which uses X-ray vision. T and they'll have to fly them both into space. Perhaps they'll land a robot on an asteroid flying near the Ear asteroid, and will then bring it back to Earth. These missions will be expensive. That's why they will only ch mission that costs them about 650 million euros, and another that is less ex Read the text again and give answers to the questions. Write no more 1. What is the name of a project that the ESA is going to start? 2. How many missions will they choose? 3. What is the name of one of the Moons of Jupiter? 4. What is the name of one of Saturn's moons? 5. Where will they land a robot? 6. How much does the cheaper mission cost?​


Ответ дал: vvladik930


1. The name of the project that the ESA is going to start is Cosm-asking.

2. They haven't decided how many missions they will choose yet.

3. One of the moons of Jupiter is Europa.

4. One of Saturn's moons is Titan.

5. They will land a robot on an asteroid flying near the Earth.

6. The cheaper mission costs about 650 million euros.

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