Card 1. Use these questions for discussion:
1. How important is farming in Kazakhstan?
2. What crops are farmed in Kazakhstan?
3. Is farming in your country in good conditions? Why or why not?
4. Why do farmers use pesticides in your opinion?
5. Do you think practice of intensive farming is bad for people's health? Why or why not? Срочно надо)))


Ответ дал: dmitrievegor917

1.Farming is an important industry in Kazakhstan, as it is a major contributor to the country's economy and food security.

2. Some of the crops that are commonly farmed in Kazakhstan include wheat, barley, corn, potatoes, and vegetables.

3. I am not able to answer that question as I do not have the ability to browse the internet or access current information about conditions in Kazakhstan.

4. Farmers may use pesticides to protect their crops from pests and diseases, which can cause significant damage to their yield. Pesticides can also help to improve the overall quality of the crops by reducing the risk of contamination.

5. The practice of intensive farming, which involves using large amounts of chemicals and other inputs, can have negative impacts on the environment and human health if not properly regulated. It is important for farmers to use these inputs responsibly and to follow proper guidelines to minimize any negative effects.

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