. Complete the sentences about accidents and injures using the past form of the following verbs: bang, break(+2), cut, drop, fall, slip, trip.
1) I ___________ over a chair, _______ over, and _________ my face on the kitchen floor.
2) I ___________ a plate on the floor and __________ it, then I _______ my finger on it when I picked it up.
3) I ___________ on a wet floor and ___________ my leg.

12. Complete the sentences with these words: facial, real(+2), urgent, huge, quick.
1) People may start to find the ________ world boring.
2) Teenagers who socialize online are more likely to make ________ decisions without thinking.
3) They won’t learn about body language, tone of voice and _________ expressions online.
4) It’s not like a ________ friendship.
5) It’s such a _________ waste of time.
6) What about _________ emails and stuff?

13. For each sentence, choose either the active or the passive form of the verb and the correct tense!
1) That door _________(to paint) yesterday.
2) In the UK, everyone ___________(to drive) on the left.
3) My car __________ (to steal)! Call the police!!!
4) The thieves __________ (to steal) the gold last week.
5) The bridge __________(to destroy) by the storm last week.


Ответ дал: AleksandrSalvatore
  1. I tripped over a chair, fell over, and banged my face on the kitchen floor.
  2. I dropped a plate on the floor and broke it, then I cut my finger on it when I picked it up.
  3. I slipped on a wet floor and fell, breaking my leg.

  1. People may start to find the real world boring.
  2. Teenagers who socialize online are more likely to make quick decisions without thinking.
  3. They won't learn about body language, tone of voice and facial expressions online.
  4. It's not like a huge friendship.
  5. It's such an urgent waste of time.
  6. What about quick emails and stuff?

  1. That door was painted yesterday.
  2. In the UK, everyone drives on the left.
  3. My car was stolen! Call the police!!!
  4. The thieves stole the gold last week.
  5. The bridge was destroyed by the storm last week.
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