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Ответ дал: alexnotonfire81

Hey there!

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm finally back home from my holiday and I just wanted to give you a quick update on my trip. I had an amazing time and I wish I could've stayed longer!

I arrived back home last week and I've been busy trying to catch up on everything that I missed while I was away. But even though I'm back to reality now, I can't stop thinking about all the fun that I had on my holiday.

I met this really cool guy at the hotel where I was staying. His name is Alex and he's from Germany. We ended up hanging out a lot and I learned a lot about his culture and way of life. He's such a nice person and I hope we can keep in touch.

We visited a lot of famous sights together and I was really impressed by everything that I saw. The architecture and the history of the place is just so fascinating. I particularly enjoyed visiting the old town, it was beautiful.

One of the things that I noticed was how clean and organized everything was. In comparison, It's a bit of a mess back home. And another thing that I found interesting was how punctual people were. In Ukraine, it's not as rare to be late as it is in the foreign country I visited.

Anyway, I'm really glad that I went on this holiday and I'm already thinking about where I want to go next. Thanks for listening to me ramble on about my trip!

Take care,

[Your Name]

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