Английский язык, помогите пожалуйста, срочно! Identify the type of verb complementation pattern.
Identify the type of verb complementation pattern.

Has a luxurious home; enjoyed learning about computers; opened a brick-and-mortar store in his local town; allows people to grow plants indoors without soil; think that you need capital; graduated in modern history; has since started another company


Ответ дал: TIKTOKh1llqn


The type of verb complementation pattern in this sentence is a combination of various patterns, such as:

Has a luxurious home: Subject + verb (has) + direct object (a luxurious home)

enjoyed learning about computers: Subject + verb (enjoyed) + gerund phrase (learning about computers)

opened a brick-and-mortar store in his local town: Subject + verb (opened) + direct object (a brick-and-mortar store) + prepositional phrase (in his local town)

allows people to grow plants indoors without soil: Subject + verb (allows) + object (people) + infinitive phrase (to grow plants indoors without soil)

think that you need capital: Subject + verb (think) + that-clause (that you need capital)

graduated in modern history: Subject + verb (graduated) + prepositional phrase (in modern history)

has since started another company: Subject + verb (has) + adverbial phrase (since) + past participle verb (started) + direct object (another company)


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