Complete the sentences with the words from Task 1. Answers may vary
0. You shouldn't talk when others are talking. It's annoying.
1. Using computers instead of books is really ★★★.
2. An idea of a classroom on a boat sounds ★★★.
3. Do you also feel ★★★ after a long day of school?
4. Our teacher was so ★★★ because we won the first place award in
5. Remember to wear your warm jacket and hat. It's ★★★ outside.
6. The new school building was ★★★. It was hard to find the way to
classroom in the first week.
7. We could hear the wolves in the forest at night. That was really
couldn't sleep.


Ответ дал: hagadf

  1. Using computers instead of books is really convenient.
  2. An idea of a classroom on a boat sounds interesting.
  3. Do you also feel tired after a long day of school?
  4. Our teacher was so proud because we won the first place award in the competition.
  5. Remember to wear your warm jacket and hat. It's cold outside.
  6. The new school building was confusing. It was hard to find the way to the classroom in the first week.
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