Correct the mistakes.
1)Karen has living here (for) 1989.
2)Tim is going to work at the supermarket in the holidays (so) he wants to earn extra money.
3)There aren't (some) clouds in the sky. I don't think it's going to rain.
4)(There) willbe snowy in Montreal tomorrow.
5)When (have you visited) the museum?
6)You (must) smoke in hospitals.
7)Sharon (hasn't never travelled) by planke.
8)You (should) use aerosols. They pollute the air.
9)(Has you sent) the invitations yet?
10)They (have gone) to the zoo yesterday.
11)Mum, (must) I have an ice-cream, please?
12)He (cooks) dinner at the moment.
Помогите срочьно!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: Masha12niklll

Karen has living here for the 1989.

Tim is going to work at the supermarket in the holidays so this he wants to earn extra money.

There aren't somed clouds in the sky. I don't think it's going to rain.

(There is willbe snowy in Montreal


When haves you visiteding the museum?

You musted smoke in hospitals.

Sharon hasn'te neverd travelled by planke.

You shoulden use aerosols. They pollute the air.

Has you sent the invitations yet?

They have went to the zoo yesterday.

Mum, musted I have an ice-cream, please?

He cooked dinner at the moment.

Ответ дал: Loloypopl


1. Since


3. Any

4. It

5. You have

6. Can't

7. has never

8. Shouldn't

9. HHave

10. Went

11. CCan

12. He is cooking


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