3 Choose the correct option, A, B or C.
1 We go to Greece this summer, but we haven't
decided yet.
A must
2 They
A might not B couldn't
3 They
B might
C can't
have visited that museum. It's closed.
C mustn't
know this place. They've been here many
A may
B can't
C must
4 I don't know why Pat hasn't arrived yet. She
missed the bus.
6 Greg
A must
B could
C can't
5 It be Diana's tent. She never goes camping.
A must
C can't
B may
have reached his destination yet. It's only
7 p.m.
A could
B can't
C mustn't
7 Ben knew everything about Gothic painting. Definitely,
he have studied art history.
A couldn't B might
C must
8 It's impossible to keep a puma as a pet. She have
A must
C might
B can't



Ответ дал: kanfyyyyy2003

1 b, 2 b, 3 c, 4 b, 5 c, 6 b, 7 b,

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