скласти розповідь про своє улюблене місце в хаті і описати його розказати що там ми робимо. СРОЧНО​


Ответ дал: maryna46

Відповідь: I live in a big house with my family. There are many beautiful rooms in my house. My favorite room in the house is my bedroom. I like it not only because it is my room, but also because it is a kind of secret, holy place for me. I live on the second floor, which we call the attic. The roof of my room is made of wood. The walls are white and the floor is wooden. On the right side of my bedroom, next to the door are my favorite things. It is a TV and a game console. In addition, there is a small closet in my bedroom where I keep my clothes, books and other things I need for studying. I put everything I need in this small closet.


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