Ex. 2 Make up the interrogative and negative sentences. 1. Emma helped her mother yesterday. 2. I talked to her two days ago. 3. Tom played with his friends last Sunday. 4. The princess lived in the castle. 5. Kate walked to the library yesterday. 6. They learned this poem by heart last time. 7. We danced a lot at the party on Wednesday. 7. I studied at school many years ago. 8. They watched TV at home last evening. 10. It rained heavily yesterday. 11. Meg phoned her friend some minutes ago. 12. We wanted to go to the theatre yesterday​


Ответ дал: malunugegic
  1. Did Emma help her mother yesterday?
  2. Did I not talk to her two days ago?
  3. Did Tom not play with his friends last Sunday?
  4. Did the princess not live in the castle?
  5. Did Kate not walk to the library yesterday?
  6. Did they not learn this poem by heart last time?
  7. Did we not dance a lot at the party on Wednesday?
  8. Did I not study at school many years ago?
  9. Did they not watch TV at home last evening?
  10. Did it not rain heavily yesterday?
  11. Did Meg not phone her friend some minutes ago?
  12. Did we not want to go to the theatre yesterday?

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