12. Woman A) Womans B) Women C) Womens D) Wemen 13. Box A) Boxes B) Boxs C) Boxz D) Box Choose the correct from of "have got", "has got" 14. Lavrov and his wife ... two children. A) Has got B) Have got C) Have not D) Had 15. ... you got a flat in Moscow? A) Has B) Have C) Does D) Do 16. She ... family. A) Have got B) Had got C) Has got D) Have​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


12. B) Women

13.A) Boxes

14. Lavrov and his wife ... two children.  B) Have got

15. ... you got a flat in Moscow? B) Have

16. She ... family. C) Has got


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