Imagine you are Gulliver writing from Lilliput, the land he reached after the shipwreck. The owner of the Antelope wants to know what happened to you and his ship. Write a letter describing the events. Remember to start and end the letter appropriately.

• Paragraph 1: Describe the scene. Say where you are, what the weather is like, and what
• Paragraph 2: Say what you and the crew did. Describe your swim to the shore and say what happened to the rest of the crew.
• Paragraph 3: Describe Lilliput, the people and what has happened to you since you arrived.

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Ответ дал: JotaroKujo34


Hello, a strange situation happened to me, it was windy and I don’t know where the other crew members got to and the boat turned over. I met little people who tied me up, as soon as I sail to you I will explain everything to you


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