Exercise 3 Extend the following sentences as in the model. Model: I am not going to do this exercise. - I am not going to do this exercise because I have done it already. 1) I am not going to read this story. 2) I am not going to see this film. 3) We are not going to discuss this book. 4) He is not going to have dinner. 5) They are not going to repair the road. 6) I am not going to buy a TV set. 7) She is not going to wash the dishes. 8) I am not going to answer this letter.​



Ответ дал: rosalinkey
1) I am not going to read this story because I have already read it.
2) I am not going to see this film because I have already seen it.
3) We are not going to discuss this book because we have already discussed it.
4) He is not going to have dinner because he has already eaten.
5) They are not going to repair the road because it has already been repaired.
6) I am not going to buy a TV set because I already have one.
7) She is not going to wash the dishes because they have already been washed.
8) I am not going to answer this letter because I have already replied.
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